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The journal AGRICULTURA (A) publishes scientific works from the following fields: animal science, plant production, farm mechanisation, land management, agricultural economics, ecology, biotechnology, microbiology...

ISSN 1580-8432

Citrus overview of the European Union-15 and Turkey

pp. 54-61

The citrus is important for Turkish fruit sector; it provides approximately 42% of export value to Turkish economy in total fruit sector, 15% of quantity producing in EU. The citrus sector occupies a central place in agriculture of the Mediterranean area in Turkey, and it provides about 70% of total citrus production. The majority of Turkish Citrus fruit export to countries in the European Union-15. The entry price system applies to a subset of fruit and vegetables considered particularly �sensitive� in the EU. It provides a high degree of protection to EU growers of citrus products. In Turkey, citrus growers have not protection, citrus prices is formed by supply and demand, this cause seasonal price fluctuation. Turkish incorrect policies on the part of the government the citrus sector started to show severe signs of weaknesses and the productivity and quality of citrus in Turkey decreased. The main reasons for this, is the lack of support on the part of growers and exporter, and the attitude of the state toward the sector. There is a huge lack of support in all aspects of citrus production and marketing.

Key word: citrus, export, import, consumption, prices

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Copyright � by University of Maribor, Faculty of Agriculture 2004