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Publishing of the journal Agricultura is financially supported by Slovenian Research Agency.

Izdajanje revije Agricultura je finančno podprto s strani Javne agencije za raziskovalno dejavnost Republike Slovenije.

Our Profile

The journal AGRICULTURA (A) publishes scientific works from the following fields: animal science, plant production, farm mechanisation, land management, agricultural economics, ecology, biotechnology, microbiology
ISSN 1581-5439

Barbara VIDEC, Jurij RAKUN

pp. 1-7


This paper presents a method of estimating the size of plants by using two parallel views of the scene, taken by a common digital camera. The approach relays on the principle of similar triangles with the following constraints: the resolution of the camera is known; the object is always in parallel to the camera sensor and the intermediate distance between the two concessive images is available. The approach was first calibrated and tested using one artificial object in a controlled environment. After that real examples were taken from agriculture, where we measured the distance and the size of a vine plant, apple and pear tree. By comparing the calculated values to measured values, we concluded that the average absolute error in distance was 0.11 m or around 3.7 %, and the absolute error in high was 0.09 m or 4.6 %.

Key words: digital image processing, size, digital camera, pixels, similar trianglesd


Ocenjevanje velikosti rastlin s pomočjo dveh vzporednih pogledov

V delu je opisana metoda za ocenjevanje velikosti rastlin s pomočjo dveh vzporednih pogledov na isto sceno, zajetih s pomočjo digitalne kamere. Postopek temelji na principu podobnih trikotnikov z naslednjimi omejitvami: znani so podatki o ločljivosti uporabljene kamere; opazovani predmet je vedno vzporeden s senzorjem kamere; znan je podatek o vmesni razdalji med dvema korakoma zajema podatkov. Prvi korak v delu opisuje umerjanje metode ob pomoči umetnega predmeta v nadzorovanih pogojih. Drugi korak pa opisuje uporabo postopka na realnih primerih iz področja kmetijstva, kjer je bila ocenjena velikost vinske trte jablane in hruške. Ob primerjavi dobljenih podatkov z izmerjenimi je bilo ugotovljena absolutna napaka v razdalji do predmetov v velikosti 0,11 m, oz. 3,7 % glede na celotno oddaljenost, absolutna napaka v velikosti v obsegu 0,09 m oz. 4,6 %.

Ključne besede: digitalno procesiranje slik, velikost, digitalna kamera, slikovni elementi, podobni trikotniki


1. Burger W., Burge M. J. Principles of Digital Image Processing: Fundamental Techniques. Springer-Verlag London, UK, 2009:3-6.
2. Ehlert D., Adamek R., Horn, H.-J. Laser rangefinder-based measuring of crop biomass under field conditions. Precision Agriculture; 2009:10, 5, 395-408.
3. Gonzales R. C., Woods R. E. 3. In Digital Image Processing, Pearson Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, New Jearsy, USA, 2008: 46-68, 92-93.
4. Marcon M., Mariano K., Braga R. A., Paglis C. M., Scalco M. S., Horgan G. W. Estimation of total leaf area in perennial plants using image analysis. Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agricola e Ambiental. 2011:1, 15, 96-101.
5. Stajnko D., Lakota M. Application of image analysis for monitoring growth and development of apple fruits 'Malus domestica' Borkh. during the growing season. Agricultura 2004:3, 6-11.
6. Videc B. Ocenjevanje velikosti rastlin s pomočjo digitalnih posnetkov [diplomsko delo], Maribor: Fakulteta za kmetijstvo in biosistemske vede, Univerza v Mariboru, 2015.

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