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Publishing of the journal Agricultura is financially supported by Slovenian Research Agency.

Izdajanje revije Agricultura je finančno podprto s strani Javne agencije za raziskovalno dejavnost Republike Slovenije.

Our Profile

The journal AGRICULTURA (A) publishes scientific works from the following fields: animal science, plant production, farm mechanisation, land management, agricultural economics, ecology, biotechnology, microbiology
ISSN 1581-5439


pp. 41-47


Preserving the plant genetic resources of genus Morus is insufficient but undoubtedly vital for conservation of the world’s germplasm for our successors. This research was focused on old mulberry varieties from the Gorizia region in Slovenia which were assessed for their contents on crucial metabolites (proteins, phenolics and thiols) in leaves regarding their antioxidant and nutraceutical potentials. Total proteins were measured spectrophotometrically by following the procedure of Bradford, the total phenolic contents were determined using the Folin-Ciocalteu method and thiols were established with monobromobimane fluorescent dye. The presented metabolite screening showed that some of the evaluated genotypes had higher concentrations of glutathione and were superior in contents of proteins and phenolics when compared to the results of other authors and could be propagated as highly recommendable feed for silkworms, and other animals.

Key words: Zea mays L. saccharata feeds, glutathione, Morus, phenols, proteins


Spremenljivost vsebnosti skupnih proteinov, fenolov in tiolov, v listih starih genotipov murv v Goriški regiji

Ohranjanje genskih virov rodu Morus je nezadostno, čeprav je nedvomno bistvenega pomena za ohranjanje svetovne zapuščine za naše naslednike. Ta raziskava temelji na določitvi ključnih metabolitov (proteinov, fenolov in tiolov) v listih starih genotipovmurv iz Goriške regije v Sloveniji z namenom proučitve antioksidativne aktivnosti in hranilne vrednosti. Skupni proteini in fenoli so bili določeni spektrofotometrično s pomočjo Bradfordove in Folin-Ciocalteu metode, tioli so bili določeni s pomočjo HPLC po predhodnem markiranju s fluorescenčnim barvilom monobromobimane. Rezultati določitve metabolitov kažejo, da imajo nekateri genotipi visoko vsebnost glutationa,v primerjavi z rezultati drugih avtorjev so superiorni v vsebnosti proteinov in fenolov in bodov nadaljnjih raziskavah razmnoženi z namenom uporabe listov za krmo sviloprejk in ostalih živali.

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